Dr. Vicky Johnson

Head of Partnerships and Programmes, ChildHope UK


Having worked in children and young people’s participation for the last 20 years, I have at last been able to work with CWC who I have always respected and admired – they have been a leading light in children’s participation for so long.

I remember going to an international conference on child rights in Norway many years ago and how striking it was that CWC had brought working children to represent themselves. Recently I had the honor of meeting some of the children in Bhima Sanghas in Bangalore. It was evident that CWC have confidence in children to speak for themselves. The group were given the option of working with us and they decided whether to stay for the session or not. We had an inspiring and energetic time being educated by the working children and understanding how CWC had empowered them to change their own situation for the better.

I am really looking forward to working with CWC this year to get children together internationally to discuss issues which are important to them. I wish to say how much they have influenced me personally and how proud we are at ChildHope to be their partners.

Best wishes and good luck in the selection for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012!